Home - Guides & Tutorials - Guide To Selling Tether In Istanbul

George Spencer

September 14, 2021

Guide To Selling Tether In Istanbul

Undoubtedly, Tether (USDT) is one of the most popular and significant stablecoins that serve various purposes and is considered a core cryptocurrency in the market- especially in Istanbul.

Due to its increasing popularity and multiple benefits, tether has now become the third-largest cryptocurrency in the world. However, it’s still far behind other crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But not to mention, it’s stable enough to beat coins like Dogecoin, Cardano, and XRP.

The bonus part is tether’s price always be steady at $1 making it reliable crypto for investors.

Buying and Selling USDT in Istanbul

So, if this largely growing crypto is on your radar and you are planning to buy Tether in Istanbul for more profits, then here are a few important things you should consider first before finalizing your deal.

  1. Tether is a stablecoin linked to the US Dollar:

As mentioned above, tether USDT is a stablecoin that is linked to the US dollar. Now, these assets have an equal value, like $1 is equal to 1 tether always.

Since the price of this crypto is always intended to mirror the dollar, it’s usually not the kind of cryptocurrency that can be bought and held in hopes of seeing an increase in its price like other coins.

  1. Tether is useful for several other things but not the best for investment:

If you want to sell Tether in Istanbul, it’s important to know various uses and qualities of tether so you can easily convince people in the market about its versatile uses.

Tether is not very ideal for investments but yes, it has a lot of other uses such as:

  • Money transfer: If you are looking to transfer money between crypto wallets, then USDT is probably the best thing to consider. You can easily manage this between your own accounts or can even send money to someone you know. The best part is tether doesn’t charge any kind of fee while transferring money between wallets.
  • Earn interest: Many cryptocurrencies’ exchanges offer you to pay money when you lend crypto. You can even earn 20-25% interest by lending out your crypto assets. The reason to do this is, tether’s price doesn’t fluctuate like other coins. However, with other cryptocurrencies, there is always a fear of price drops, and you could end up lending with loss.
  1. Transit cryptocurrency:
Also Read:  During May, Tether's USDT lost ground to the USDC

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you can easily transfer your real money into digital cash. Yes, tether facilitates a lot of conversions.

This is usually considered to be a big deal in different parts of the world, even in Istanbul. But remember, there are many locations where crypto conversions into a fiat currency are a very difficult task. In fact, in some countries, this practice is considered to be illegal.

So, for all these parts of the world, the tether is definitely a smart choice.

  1. Buy and sell tether on a reliable crypto exchange:

Well, there are thousands of platforms in Istanbul and other parts of the world that can give you access to hundreds of cryptocurrencies.

But the important thing to consider is, you need to evaluate and choose the reliable crypto exchange in Istanbul that is already trusted by many people around the world.

  1. Remittance:

The tether can revolutionize international transaction systems.

You can send it anywhere without the need to convert funds or pay exorbitant transference fees. Tether USDT is as easy to send as other cryptos all around the world.
