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December 12, 2021

Pepsi partners with VaynerNFT and More NFTs News

There are several developments in the world of NFTs including Pepsi’s new nonfungible token collection and more.

Pepsi’s Mic Drop NFT Collection

Leading soda drink company, Pepsi unleashed their new collection of NFTs. Pepsi’s collection is called “Mic Drop genesis NFT collection”. This collection consists of 1,893 NFTs. The NFTs are designed in such a way that they show the styles from different generations. The NFTs are available on the Ethereum blockchain. The total number of nonfungible tokens gives a nod to the year Pepsi was founded. Pepsi has set it up so that people wanting to purchase the collection only have to pay gas fees. In addition to that, Pepsi has put in place a means for people to get on a waitlist. The waitlist process is available for those interested up until the 14th December 2021.

The symbolism of the NFTs Collection

The Pepsi brand depicts different designs involving a microphone. The NFTs are in blue silver, red and black. All these are the colors the brand is known for and the different flavors associated with their range of products. These colors are classic blue, sliver, red and black, amongst others.

About Creators of the Nonfungible token collection

The creators of this collection are VaynerNFT. VaynerNFT is a firm in the VaynerX holding company. The chief executive officer of Vaynerchuk, Gary Vaynerchuk told Cointelegraph that this digital asset would transform the culture of value creation. He added that it was an exciting time for the brand to grow loyalty and bring greater value to its community and fans.

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Environmentally Friendly Program

On top of these newly released NFTs, Pepsi has been up to some other things too. The company intends to start a carbon offset program. Their goal is to use this carbon offset program to ensure a net carbon footprint of zero for Pepsi Mic Drop NFT.

Mystery Box by 1inch and Parts of Four

In a collaboration, 1inch and Parts of Four have unleashed a new offering. This is their Mystery Box. Their Mystery Box is to be launched on the 13th December 2021 on the Binance NFT Marketplace. The box will include 22,000 NFTs. These NFTs will have 31 versions and the versions will be minted across 7 levels of sophistication. In addition, these NFTs will be offered at 25 BUSD.

About the NFTs collection

The NFT collection will be an element in a game directed at purchasing and forging limited wearables. These are wearables that will be for usage on P4s Greater Metaverse. The expansion for P4 will start in an ERC-20 community token. Thereafter, it would be towards an NFT space that runs on Binance Smart Chain. The plan that Parts of Four has is to utilize interactions with the physical world by incorporating technology augmented reality and bi-directional swaps through the P4 platform.

Athlete Unleashes NFTs Collection for Holiday

The athlete, Tom Brady, released a set of NFTs recently. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback made his comments on the Autograph NFT platform. The platform is named “Live Forever: The Tom Brady Origins Collection”. The collection includes 16,000 collectible sets.

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This set of NFTs gives highlights from the commencement of his football career. This set encompasses a resume he made before his 2000 draft selection, cleats, a jersey for the NFL, and a stopwatch among other things.

The Novelty

The novelty of it is that the NFTs will be a mystery until the moment that they are being bought on the 14th December 2021.

Initiative on Color of the Year by Texos and Pantone

The brand, Pantone has partnered with Texos blockchain to create the Color of the Year 2022 through a nonfungible token collection. The color for 2022 is Pantone 17-33938. Polygon1993, a Paris-based artist will design the artworks inspired by this shade of periwinkle.
