Home - Ethereum - Ethereum Deploys Sepolia Testnet As The Merge Approaches


June 21, 2022

Ethereum Deploys Sepolia Testnet As The Merge Approaches

In order to merge Ethereum, the second testnet Sepolia has been activated. There was a successful launch earlier this month of the Ropsten Testnet Beacon Chain, which is now in action.

Currently, Merge is the most anticipated event in the Ethereum community. Instead of using expensive resources and energy to find new blocks and add them to the blockchain, miners now use a less expensive form of consensus known as proof-of-stake (PoS).

The second testnet, the Sepolia Testnet Beacon Chain, has commenced operation after the successful dress rehearsal of the Ropsten testnet.. Using this testnet, the community will be able to have a better idea of how the Ethereum merging will go down in the real world.

Before the update goes live on the mainnet in early August, Sepolia’s dress rehearsal is required to guarantee that the upgrade functions successfully on all testnets. The Ethereum team has repeatedly postponed this, thus it’s quite improbable.

Initial plans were for the Merge to take place in June of that year. In spite of this, ETH’s development team has postponed the project. The “difficulty bomb” on Ethereum has been postponed for around two to three months. The miners will be forced to use the Proof-of-Stake transaction validation process if the bomb is detonated.

One of the primary drivers of the long-awaited Ethereum Merge was addressed in detail by the Ethereum core development team during a meeting held on Friday. It was suggested that EIP-5133 postpone the difficulty bomb until August after they discussed certain problems found on the testnet. Since 2017, this bomb has been postponed six times.

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Twitter user Time Beiko, a developer of Ethereum, said this.

They decided to postpone the bomb’s detonation. Even though they’ve already gone over their deadline, they’re hoping to get the update online by the end of June, with a 2 month wait and a sanity check on all the data.

Over time, the Difficulty Bomb raises the difficulty of mining ETH, making it more difficult.
