Home - Guides & Tutorials - How To Stake FTM: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

James Carter

February 8, 2023

How To Stake FTM: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Staking is a method by which owners of cryptocurrencies have the opportunity to earn incentives for their participation in maintaining the integrity and safety of a blockchain network. Staking has grown in popularity over the past few years as an approach for investors to receive passive income while also contributing to the upkeep and security of blockchain networks. In this post, we will discuss the process of staking FTM, including its prerequisites, stages, potential benefits, and potential drawbacks.

I. Introduction to Staking

A. Definition of Staking

The practice of keeping, or “staking,” a predetermined quantity of cryptocurrency in a wallet in order to “stake” support for the operation of a blockchain network is referred to as “staking.” Token holders have the ability to validate transactions, take part in governance decisions, and earn incentives for their participation in a mechanism called a staking system.

B. Purpose of Staking in the Context of FTM

Fantom, sometimes known as FTM, is a high-performance blockchain technology that was developed specifically for decentralized apps and services. Investors have the opportunity to receive rewards while also making a contribution to the safety and reliability of the Fantom network through the staking of FTM. In addition, staking FTM can result in an increase in the total value of the token. This is due to the fact that staking is frequently interpreted as a bullish indication of the cryptocurrency that is being staked.

II. Requirements for Staking FTM

A. Amount of FTM Required

Before you can stake FTM, you need to make sure you have a sufficient number of tokens in your possession. The precise quantity that is needed to stake will be determined by the particular staking pool or validator that you choose to collaborate with, but, in general, the more FTM you own, the bigger the potential benefits will be for you. It’s important to remember that when you stake, you usually have to keep your tokens locked up for a certain amount of time. Because of this, you should only stake the number of tokens that you are confident you can keep for the duration of the staking period.

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B. Access to a Staking Wallet

To participate in staking, you must have access to a staking wallet that is compatible with the FTM network. A staking wallet is a specialized cryptocurrency wallet that is designed to support staking. There are several staking wallets available for FTM, including Ledger Live, Trust Wallet, and MyEtherWallet, among others.

C. Understanding of the Staking Process

Before participating in staking, it is essential to have a good understanding of the process. This includes understanding the rewards structure, the risk involved, and the responsibilities of staking. It is also essential to familiarize yourself with the terms and concepts commonly used in the staking process, such as validators, staking pools, and delegation.

III. How to Stake FTM?

A. Transfer FTM to Staking Wallet

The first step in staking FTM is to transfer your tokens to a staking wallet. This can typically be done by sending FTM from a regular cryptocurrency wallet to the address of your staking wallet.

B. Select a Validator

Once your FTM is in your staking wallet, you will need to select a validator to delegate your tokens. A validator is a node on the FTM network that is responsible for validating transactions and producing blocks. When you trust your FTM to a validator, you are entrusting them with your tokens to participate in the staking process on your behalf.

There are several validators available for FTM, each with its own rewards structure, minimum stake amount, and fee structure. It is essential to carefully research and compare different validators before making a decision.

C. Start Staking

After you have decided on a validator, you may begin staking by handing over control of your FTM to that person. This is normally accomplished within your staking wallet by way of a straightforward approach. The procedure is typically uncomplicated and user-friendly. However, the specific procedures that need to be taken will change depending on the wallet that you are using.

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D. Monitor Staking Progress

Once you have started staking, it is crucial to monitor your staking progress regularly. This includes tracking your rewards, checking the performance of your validator, and ensuring that your tokens are still securely staked. Most staking wallets will provide regular updates on your staking status, so be sure to keep an eye on these updates.


How To Stake FTM: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
IV. Benefits of Staking FTM

A. Earning Passive Income

One of the main benefits of staking FTM is the potential to earn passive income. By participating in the staking process, you can earn rewards in the form of new FTM tokens. The exact rewards you earn will depend on the specific validator you choose and the overall performance of the FTM network.

B. Contributing to Network Security

Another benefit of staking FTM is that you are helping to contribute to the security and stability of the FTM network. By holding and staking FTM, you are helping to maintain the integrity of the network and ensure that it continues to operate smoothly.

C. Potential for Increased Value of FTM

Finally, staking FTM can also increase the overall value of the token. This is because staking is often seen as a bullish signal for the underlying cryptocurrency, and as more people participate in staking, the demand for the token can increase, driving up its value.

V. Risks Involved in Staking FTM

A. Risk of Hacking or Stealing

The possibility that your FTM tokens will be hacked or stolen is one of the most significant dangers associated with staking them. If your staking wallet is broken into or otherwise compromised, it is possible that your tokens will be taken, which will result in a loss of funds. To reduce the impact of this risk, it is essential to make use of a staking wallet that is both trustworthy and well-protected and to adhere at all times to the recommended procedures for protecting bitcoin holdings.

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B. Risk of Validator Failure

Another risk involved in staking FTM is the potential for validator failure. If the validator you have delegated your tokens to performs poorly or fails, you could lose some or all of your rewards. To minimize this risk, it is vital to research and choose a reputable and reliable validator carefully.

C. Risk of Price Volatility

In conclusion, it is essential to keep in mind that staking FTM is susceptible to the same risks as any other investment in cryptocurrency. This is something that should be remembered. This comes with the risk of price volatility, which might lead to variations in the value of the tokens you have staked. To reduce the impact of this risk on your finances, you should diversify your investment portfolio and avoid investing more money than you can afford to lose.

VI. Conclusion

The practice of staking FTM can be an excellent method to generate passive income while also contributing to the safety and reliability of the FTM network. You may get started with staking FTM and start earning benefits for your investment if you follow the procedures that are given in this article, give careful consideration to the dangers that are involved, and then get started. Before making any form of investment, it is critical to conduct your own research. Additionally, you should never invest more money than you can afford to lose in any given venture.
