Home - Blockchain - Why Blockchain Can Be A Good Technology For The Music Industry?

David Agullo

September 16, 2021

Why Blockchain Can Be A Good Technology For The Music Industry?

Since the 1999 start of Napster’s music-sharing platform, the music business has been in close steady disturbance, its timeline marked with dipping revenues, absence of transparency, theft issues, and fights over the reasonable dissemination of profits.

Music organizations hate real-time features. Streaming features hate document-sharing services. And, in particular, artists and content producers hate essentially everyone else for making immense totals off their work and taking care of them the crumbs.

With such countless irreconcilable circumstances, there seems to be no one service or plan of action that can work in a fashion that fulfills the necessities of the multitude of parties included. But now, after quite a while of experiencing a prickly and convoluted relationship with the tech area, the music industry may finally find an opportunity to head a positive way by utilizing the blockchain, the innovation that controls the bitcoin digital money.

The blockchain has drawn the consideration of investors and experts in various businesses and is currently giving promising indications to change the music industry in ways that may satisfy the requirements of everybody.

For what reason can blockchain be a decent technology for music distribution? 

At its core, the blockchain is an appropriated ledger that can approve and register exchanges without the requirement for a central authority. Nobody possesses the ledger— it’s spread across the hubs that comprise its organization and is freely accessible to everyone.

Data stored on the ledger is interrelated through cryptographic hashes, which make it essentially irreversible and carefully designed. In a nutshell, it implies that parties can make shared trades of information, money or whatever else of worth in any amount and in a solid way.

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In the music industry, the blockchain could change distribution, adaptation, and the relationship of artists with their communities of fans.

First, music can be distributed on the ledger with a unique ID and time stamp in an adequately unalterable manner. This can take care of the historic issue of digital content being downloaded, copied, and altered for the relaxation of users. Each record can store metadata containing proprietorship and rights data in a transparent and unchanging manner for anyone to view and check. This will ensure that the right people will get paid for the utilization of the content.

Blockchain technology can change the adaptation of music. The infrastructure depends on smart contracts, programs that can be run on the blockchain along with the payment exchanges. Blockchain-based digital currencies, for example, Bitcoin and Ethereum support micropayments, which is viably impossible with exemplary payment mediums because of transfer costs. This can support another method of presenting on-demand music administrations. Users can choose their preferred record and quickly reward the partners with digital currency after playing it.

And, finally, one of the benefits of a blockchain ledger is that it can set up a more direct connection among makers and buyers. Writers and artists will presently don’t be needed to go through buying platforms and monetary brokers — who usually take a heavy cut of the income — and can get directly remunerated every time their songs are played. This can be a shelter to that load of producers who don’t have the sponsorship of a tremendous record label.

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Is blockchain the music industry’s silver bullet?

Blockchain won’t be an ideal response of all issues that the music industry is facing. And, artists, songwriters, and musicians— the real owner of the business — will be the primary supporters, for they can finally possess their creations and get their due for their efforts.

However, it will probably not be welcomed by the individuals who benefit from an absence of transparency in the music industry or big tech organizations that like to monopolize rather than share. Also, conflicts are probably going to ensure if the idea gains traction and genuine momentum.

But as Rogers explains in a follow-up to his unique article, “the money being left on the table is dwarfing the money being made under the table,” which implies that a transparent framework would produce more revenue and create more chances than it would destroy.
