Home - Blockchain - Blockchain Never Forgets: How Memory Drives This Revolutionary Technology

David Agullo

September 16, 2021

Blockchain Never Forgets: How Memory Drives This Revolutionary Technology

Memory is at the heart of the blockchain, a revolutionary computer programming language that is designed in important ways similar to the human brain. Every “block” of code in a “chain” of transactions is inextricably linked to the block before it, just as our memories are linked together by associations—the flavor of chicken soup may evoke memories of being cared for as a child, for example, or the fragrance of perfume may evoke memories of a past love—so is every “block” of code in a “chain” of transactions inextricably linked to the block before it.

How Does it Work?

A blockchain’s memory usage increases as the number of transactions increases. Cryptocurrency “miners” verify new transactions and assign them unique hashes, encrypting and compressing each entry to make the chain secure and genuine. In the absence of a mediator, such as a financial institution, to manage the ledger, these functions are crucial. Miners require a large amount of computer memory and rapid processing speeds to do their tasks.

How, In A Virtual World Where Nothing is Forgotten, Will The Technology Live Up To Its Incredible Potential Without Continual Advances in Memory, Storage, And Prcessing Power?

Good Infrastructural Support To Rescue: As long as we have the infrastructure in place to support it, blockchain will almost surely alter what we can accomplish with our computer devices, in business, and everyday life. A large amount of computer memory will be required, particularly for the devices, or “nodes,” that will be needed to authenticate transactions. Then, even if we, as humans, forget anything we’ve entrusted to the blockchain’s ledger, we can be confident that the blockchain will not

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Independent System: Digital transactions are significantly more convenient and speedier, but they can also be insecure, allowing fraudsters to gain access to our accounts or our Social Security numbers and other personal information. A third party, such as a bank, credit card business, attorney, or real estate company, is still required to process the majority of today’s transactions. This is not the case with blockchain.

Blockchain is intended to function as a virtual public ledger that is open to the public and written in indelible ink. Each block is a file, with a new one being created every 10 minutes, that contains a record of all previous transactions, listed in order and concluding with the new one.

Safeguard System: Users have access to their transactions using a private code or “key” that is so secure that not even the system that issued it has a copy. If a person loses their key, they will be unable to decrypt their entry or entries, and they will lose access to everything they have saved or recorded there. People have lost hundreds of dollars in bitcoin due to misplaced private keys, which will never be recovered until they discover their key.

Memory is the Source of Power: Non-bitcoin cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, the most well-known cryptocurrency, are best mined with a graphics card, or video card, that has a chip known as a graphic processing unit (GPU). These cards, which are often utilized to increase computational capacity to support graphic displays in video games, are also critical for bitcoin mining.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology and memory plays an important role in its existence. Every step is tightly to safeguard and encrypted that it promises a good future ahead. More of our household appliances are being connected to the internet than ever before, allowing us to manage them remotely. Not only can blockchain technology safeguard and assist us in safely transferring ownership of appliances, but it can also perform “if-then” logic, such as triggering the refrigerator to automatically purchase and pay for milk when you run out.
